Men Herbal Teas
Pâtisserie Loraine Beauty Inside Out Men preventive health is more than just treatment of parts, it needs to be the treatment of the whole body. Some facts:- 7% of men are infertile. Heart disease is the #1 killer of men in America. Hypertension in men 60 years and over is 71.6%. Enlarge prostate problems in half of all men aged 60 and older requiring medication of some kind and by the age of 85 that proportion reaches 90%. Men die an average of 8 years before women. Question:- Does high blood pressure cause sexual problems? Answer:- Yes. Vascular damage cause by high blood pressure can limit blood flow which can lead to sexual disfunction. High blood pressure (Hypertension) is when the force of the blood pushing against the artery walls is consistently too high, this will cause the heart to work harder, causing damage. Let's explore some ways you can manage your blood pressure. In all instances of hypertension there are some basic things that can be done to help...