
Men Herbal Teas

Pâtisserie Loraine Beauty Inside Out Men preventive health is more than just treatment of parts, it needs to be the treatment of the whole body.  Some facts:- 7% of men are infertile. Heart disease is the #1 killer of men in America. Hypertension in men 60 years and over is 71.6%. Enlarge prostate problems in half of all men aged 60 and older requiring medication of some kind and by the age of 85 that proportion reaches 90%. Men die an average of 8 years before women. Question:- Does high blood pressure cause sexual problems? Answer:- Yes. Vascular damage cause by high blood pressure can limit blood flow which can lead to sexual disfunction. High blood pressure (Hypertension) is when  the force of the blood pushing against the artery walls is consistently too high, this will cause the heart to work harder, causing damage.  Let's explore some ways you can manage your blood pressure.  In all instances of hypertension there are some basic things that can be done to help...

Healthy Teas - High Blood Pressure

Pâtisserie Loraine Beauty Inside Out   High blood pressure (Hypertension) is when  the force of the blood pushing against the artery walls is consistently too high, this will cause the heart to work harder.  Let's explore some ways you can manage your blood pressure.  Note:- If taking medication please DO NOT take anything the same time as your medication and consult your doctor before trying anything!! Not intended to diagnose or treat any condition! Limiting salt - Although salt itself is not the culprit and it is essential to good health, the 'amount' of salt intake isn't! Salt holds water in our system causing edema (water retention) making the kidneys work harder, this added water puts pressure on the heart, so by limiting salt intake you can improve heart health and lower blood pressure. Celery - Contains a compound that has been found to lower blood pressure by eating 4-6 ribs of celery per day. Dandelion Leaf - Boost your potassium intake, the body needs pota...

Healthy Teas

Pâtisserie Loraine   Beauty Inside Out   Herbal tea is an easy delicious way to improve health! Herbal teas can help improve your immune system, lower your blood pressure, has heart health properties, work with your elimination system and improve your digestive system. This info is not intended to be a diagnose or treatment for any condition!! Always consult your Physican first! NiCold Tea - Is for those times when you are feeling under the weather, whether it is a cold or the flu. It will help keep you healthy or help you recover quicker. It will keep the body feeling warm and decongested with ginger and peppermint and rose hip for vit. C. Decaf Chai - Can be used daily as a general tonic, it has a blend of roots and seeds that benefits the circulatory, immune and digestive systems. Plus, it tastes really great and is my favorite! Digestive Tea - Is best when drunk before or after a meal, to aid in digestion and it works with the elimination system.   High Blood Pressu...

Healthy Teas - Decaf Chai

  Pâtisserie Loraine Beauty Inside Out It is often said that true beauty emanates from within, and this holds true in numerous ways. By focusing more on our internal health, many of the skin issues we face can be alleviated.  One of the simplest methods to achieve this is by consuming herbal teas. My personal favorite for daily general wellness is  Decaf Chai . Chai, also known as Masala Chai, originates from India and has served as a health tonic for centuries with its therapeutic spices. Coming from the Caribbean, where rich, aromatic foods are appreciated, I find Chai's holistic benefits and delicious taste to be a delightful win-win. Additionally, it offers the flexibility to be customized according to individual taste preferences. As a highly energetic person who avoids caffeine,  Decaf Chai  is my beverage of choice. It's a blend of roots and seeds that benefits the circulatory, immune, and digestive systems. The herbs I select are rich in anti-inflammator...

Healthy Teas - Digestive

  Pâtisserie Loraine Beauty Inside Out Digestive Tea Sluggish digestion is a widespread issue, often due to our hectic lifestyles. Individuals who are nervous or anxious may be more prone to sluggish digestion. The digestive system requires ample blood flow to function optimally; however, eating on the move or during a stressful job can deprive it of the necessary energy and circulation. Resting both body and mind after eating is crucial for aiding the digestive process. While a half-hour rest post-meal is beneficial, it may not be feasible with busy work schedules. In such cases, drinking a digestive tea with meals can be helpful. Digestive Tea can be consumed daily, either before or right after eating, to help balance the digestive system and alleviate discomfort, particularly for those experiencing occasional or chronic acid reflux. Ginger, a potent herb, heats the digestive system and eases gas, nausea, and congestion.  Dandelion promotes bile release and supports liver fu...